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This is a mock registration for parents by Bruce Handy from the New York Times. Some of it sounds quite familiar.
Jennifer Ward: I Love Dirt!: 52 Activities to Help You and Your Kids Discover the Wonders of Nature
Karen Stray Nolting: Backyard Birds (Peterson Field GuidesĀ® for Young Naturalists)
Paul A. Opler: Peterson First Guide to Butterflies and Moths
Georgia Heard: A Place for Wonder: Reading and Writing Nonfiction in the Primary Grades
David Sobel: Childhood and Nature
Katherine Center: Get Lucky: A Novel
Kelly Rae Roberts: Taking Flight: Inspiration And Techniques To Give Your Creative Spirit Wings
Debbie Miller: Teaching with Intention
Piero Ferrucci: The Power of Kindness: The Unexpected Benefits of Leading a Compassionate Life
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