Since attending the IL-TCE a few weeks ago, I started thinking more about the copyright and how it applies to my blog. A Creative Commons license is a simple way for "authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry". Mostly, I use CC to search flickr for photos that I can use on my blog, but I'm eager to explore other resources.
I love to use poetry in my teaching. Just the right poem can bring to life something we are studying in science or social studies. Poems can be used to practice fluent reading, words skills, or teach vocabulary. Most of all, they allow us to connect to a feeling or memory, explore the wonder of words, or just share a laugh.
When you explore other teacher sites, you can find pages and pages of poems and although author is usually given credit, it's unclear whether anyone has gotten his/her permission to publish that poem on the Internet. This weekend, I decided to email a few authors and poets to see if they'd give me permission to quote a few lines or even include an entire poem on my blog. The responses were surprising and wonderful:
Dear Lisa,
Thank you for your kind email and a special thanks for sharing my book with your kids in preparation for their sugarbush experience. The short answer is yes, please quote anything from the book to assist other teachers. I love to hear how my work connects with kids, so I hope to see some of it on your blog when I return from our friends' sugarbush Monday. I'll be smiling all weekend as we set up the sugaring operation for the season, which is just getting underway here in the North country.
Enjoy this magical season when "something's stirring in the woods"!
All best,
Marsha Wilson Chall
Life crackles with wonder-filled serendippity.
I just finished writing a novel and one of the characters is a Grade Two teacher. why ?
I think you are all saints! Please, I'd be honored. You have author permission.
And I would love to send you a new book for your class. Send me your address?
seriously joyful,
Sheree Fitch
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for supporting my poetry. You have a great blog. You do, however, have to list the copyright info under the poem or poems, available on the copyright page of the book. My editor has told me that two or three poems from each book is the maximum.
Thanks again and please look out for my latest, just out: comets, stars, the moon, and mars. It's just gotten a rave review from Kirkus, and I hope you enjoy it. And remember Pluto's not a planet!
Hello Lisa,
I spoke to Mrs. Anglund last night, and she would be very pleased for you to use the poem on your blog. I'm assuming it's the one in "Morning Is A Little Child," correct? Unfortunately, Mrs. Anglund is one of those rare people who does not own a computer, so she won't be able to see what you've done online. However, I can print the page when it's finished and send it to her by post.
Thanks so very much for your interest. Best wishes to you and your students.
Tony Davies (Forum Administrator for The Official Joan Walsh Anglund Website)
I didn't imagine this process could be so simple and rewarding. It doesn't hurt to ask! I think Tony Davies, listed in the last response, said it best:
"if you can, please add "used with permission of the author." That may inspire others to request permission. It is really most appreciated that you have done so...It's nearly impossible to keep track of everything, but an author's words are often like their children--it's good to know where they are wandering! "